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陈云,副教授,硕士生导师,中国科3200威尼斯vip植物研究所植被与环境变化国家重点实验室博士后,丹麦Aarhus University联合培养博士。现任植物学系副主任,河南农业大学青年英才,河南省林业科技青年拔尖人才,河南省教学标兵,河南省生态学会副秘书长,《生态学》省级一流课程负责人
本科生:《植物学》 《基础生态学》《普通生物学》
1.Chen Y, Xi, J., Xiao, M., Wang, S., Chen, W., Liu, F., ... & Yuan, Z. (2022). Soil fungal communities show more specificity than bacteria for plant species composition in a temperate forest in China. BMC microbiology, 22(1), 1-14.
2.Chen Y, Wang, S., Liu, W., Liu, F., Shao, Y., Wang, J., & Yuan, Z. (2022). Associations between Epiphytic Bryophyte and Woody Plant Species in a Temperate Deciduous Broad-Leaved Forest. Diversity, 14(11), 979.
3.Shao, Y. Z., Yuan, Z., Liu, Y. Y., Liu, F. Q., Xiang, R. C., Zhang, Y. Y., Chen Y & WEN, Q. Glacial expansion or interglacial expansion? Contrasting demographic models of four cold-adapted fir species in North America and East Asia. (2022) Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 247.(第一通讯)
4.Zhou, X., Wang, Z., Liu, W., Fu, Q., Shao, Y., Liu, F., Chen Y & Yuan, Z. (2022). Distribution Pattern of Woody Plants in a Mountain Forest Ecosystem Influenced by Topography and Monsoons. Forests, 13(6), 957.(第一通讯)
5.Fu, Q., Shao, Y., Wang, S., Liu, F., Tian, G., Chen Y & Ye, Y. (2022). Soil Microbial Distribution Depends on Different Types of Landscape Vegetation in Temperate Urban Forest Ecosystems. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 450.(第一通讯)
6.Yuan, Z., Xiao, M., Su, X., Zhao, H., Li, Y., Zhang, H., Chen Y & Wang, W. (2022). Effects of Environment and Human Activities on Plant Diversity in Wetlands along the Yellow River in Henan Province, China. Diversity, 14(6), 470.(第一通讯)
7.Shao, Y. Z., Shi, Z. Y., Wang, Z., Wang, W., Chen, Y., & Wen, Q. (2022). The complete chloroplast genome of Abies ernestii Rehder (Pinaceae) and its phylogenetic implications. Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 7(8), 1497-1503.(第一通讯)
8.Xi, J., Shao, Y., Li, Z., Zhao, P., Ye, Y., Li, W., Chen Y, & Yuan, Z. (2021). Distribution of woody plant species among different disturbance regimes of forests in a temperate deciduous broad-leaved forest. Frontiers in plant science, 12, 618524.(第一通讯)
9.Wang, N., Fu, Q., Zhou, Z., Shao, Y., Wang, J., Li, W., Chen Y & Yuan, Z. (2021). Humus microhabitat affects distributions of soil fungi and bacteria in a temperate mountain forest. Ecology and Evolution, 11(13), 9148-9158.(第一通讯)
10.Chen Y, Shao, Y., Xi, J., Yuan, Z., Ye, Y., & Wang, T. (2020). Community preferences of woody plant species in a heterogeneous temperate forest, China. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 8, 165.
11.Chen Y, Svenning J C, Wang X Y, Cao R F, Yuan Z L, Ye Y Z. (2018). Drivers of macrofungi community structure differ between soil and rotten-wood substrates in a temperate mountain forest in China. Frontiers in Microbiology, 9:37.
12.Chen Y, Jia H R, Niu S, Zhang X, Wang HL, Ye YZ, Chen QS, Yuan ZL. (2018). Effects of Topographical Heterogeneity and Dispersal Limitation on Species Turnover in a Temperate Mountane Ecosystem: a Case Study in the Henan Province, China. Russian Journal of Ecology, 49(1), 40–46.
13.Chen Y, Yuan Z L, Bi S, Wang X Y, Ye Y Z, Svenning J C. (2018). Macrofungal species distributions depend on habitat partitioning of topography, light, and vegetation in a temperate mountain forest. Scientific Reports, 8(1), 13589.
14.Chen Y, Niu S, Li P, Jia H, Wang H, Ye Y, Yuan Z. (2017). Stand structure and substrate diversity as two major drivers for bryophyte distribution in a temperate montane ecosystem. Frontiers in plant science, 8.
15.Chen Y, Yuan Z,Li P,Cao R,Jia H,Ye Y.(2016). Effects of environment and space on species turnover of woody plants across multiple forest dynamic plots in East Asia. Frontiers in plant science, 7.
16.Jia H R, Chen Y, Wang X Y, Li P K, Yuan Z L, Ye Y Z. (2019). The relationships among topographically-driven habitats, dominant species and vertical layers in temperate forest in China. Russian Journal of Ecology, 50(2):172-186.
17.Jia H R, Chen Y, Yuan Z L, Ye Y Z, Huang Q C. (2015). Effects of environmental and spatial heterogeneity on tree community assembly in Baotianman National Nature Reserve, Henan, China. Polish Journal of Ecology, 63(2), 175-183.
18.Shao Y Z, Chen Y, Lu X F, Ye Y Z, Yuan Z L. (2019). Next-generation sequencing yields the complete chloroplast genome of Abies kawakamii. Mitochondrial DNA Part B, 4(1), 29-30.
19.Shao Y Z*, Chen Y*, Zhang X C, Xiang Q P. (2019). Species delimitation and phylogeography of Abies delavayi complex: Inferred from morphological, molecular, and climatic data. Journal of Systematics and Evolution,1-13.(并列第一作者)
20.陈云, 郭凌, 姚成亮, 韦博良, 袁志良, 叶永忠. (2017). 暖温带⁃ 北亚热带过渡区落叶阔叶林群落特征. 生态学报, 37(17).
21.陈云, 冯佳伟, 牛帅, 许宁, 韩军旺, 叶永忠, 袁志良. (2017). 小秦岭自然保护区苔藓植物群落数量分类, 排序及多样性垂直格局. 生态学报, 37(8).
22.陈云, 王婷, 李培坤, 姚成亮, 袁志良, 叶永忠. (2016). 河南木札岭温带落叶阔叶林群落特征及主要乔木空间分布格局. 植物生态学报,40(11), 1179-1188.
23.陈云, 王海亮, 韩军旺, 韦博良, 贾宏汝, 叶永忠, 袁志良. (2014). 小秦岭森林群落数量分类, 排序及多样性垂直格局. 生态学报, 34(8), 2068-2075.
24.陈云, 袁志良, 任思远, 韦博良, 贾宏汝, 叶永忠. (2014). 宝天曼自然保护区不同生活型物种与土壤相关性分析. 科学通报, (24), 2367-2376.
1. 主持:河南农业大学青年英才,基于森林动态监测样地的生物多样性维持机制研究
2. 主持:中国博士后科学基金面上项目(项目编号2021M693400)
3. 主持:河南省青年人才托举工程项目(项目编号2020HYTP037)
4. 主持:河南省自然科学基金(项目编号212300410153)
5. 主持:河南省生态环境监测中心,河南省黄河干流生态环境敏感区生物多样性调查
6. 参与:国家农业农村部,典型区域农业野生植物资源调查收集与监测(项目编号13210211)
7. 参与:国家农业农村部,农业外来入侵物种发生危害及扩散风险调查(项目编号13220144)
8. 参与:河南省生态环境厅,河南省黄河流域省级自然保护区管护成效评估
9. 参与:河南省生态环境厅,黄河流域(河南段)生物多样性调查与监测
1. 主持:河南省教育厅,河南省一流本科课程(生态学)
2. 主持:河南农业大学,教学改革研究与实践项目
3. 主持:河南农业大学,精品在线开放课程(生态学)
4. 主持:河南农业大学,课程思政示范课(生态学)
5. 主持:河南农业大学,线上线下混合式一流课程(生态学)

《小秦岭国家级自然保护区森林植物多样性及保护》河南科学技术出版社. 副主编
《河南高乐山自然保护区科学考察集》河南科学技术出版社. 编委
《植物学》中国农业出版社,ISBN 9787109291645.参编


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